Research Fellowship in Socio-Environmental Systems

The Global Development Institute [GDI] invites applications from up-and-coming early career researchers and scholar-teachers exploring socio-environmental systems within the context of development in the Global South. Research should address key research frontiers, such as (but not limited to) forest restoration, gendered impacts of climate change, natural resource management and extractive industries, or market-based incentive mechanisms for sustainable development. Approaches to research could equally span a range of perspectives and methodologies, from Data Science to Political Ecology. We are particularly interested in applicants who can work across themes, disciplines and methodologies, and who can advance collaborative work in this field, strengthening links within GDI, the University of Manchester, and beyond.

We recognize that, as an early career academic, it can be challenging to get the dedicated time and resources to gain research independence and develop leadership. This three year fellowship is designed to bridge this gap by providing awards for outstanding researchers, whose interests are aligned with those of the University. During the fellowship you will develop your own research agenda and take increasing teaching and administrative responsibilities. You will also facilitate GDI’s aims to develop a keener focus on key areas within its research portfolio and to build interdisciplinary research programmes. In this sense, as you build your research agenda you will also look for points of conversation and collaboration with current faculty. Subject to satisfactory performance, the fellowship will then transfer to an appropriate academic contract.

Application portal:
