ATBC 2021 Cartagena, Colombia: Save the Date

Dear ATBC members and friends,

We have witnessed a rapid global expansion of COVID-19 in the past couple of weeks and the establishment of major travel and conference restrictions at both national and international levels. In Colombia, in particular, the government has placed a ban on all meetings larger than 50 participants until late May, with the possibility of extending this restriction beyond this date.

Protecting the health and safety of all attendees and their families is of utmost importance to us and we have thus decided to postpone ATBC-2020, which is now scheduled to take place between 11-15 July 2021 in Cartagena (Colombia). All accepted symposia will be retained and symposium organizers will have the option to update or cancel their submission in due time. Likewise, all submitted abstracts and workshop/field trip proposals will be kept in the system, also with the option of being updated or canceled.

In the meantime, ATBC is working on organizing a series of webinars for 2020. While we know that virtual meetings do not replace conferences, those activities will help to keep the community united, while enabling capacity building activities and scientific discussions to continue during those difficult times.

We thank you all for your understanding and cooperation. Please stay tuned for updates!

The Local Organizing Committee