As part of a Science Illustration Grant from the Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation, Alejandra Pérez-Enríquez, Ph.D. student at the University of Minnesota, recently completed an internship that had the goal of integrating visual art into the activities of the ATBC, and its flagship journal Biotropica.
Alejandra worked on three main projects as part of her internship: 1) leading a workshop on integrating art as a participatory tool in ecology at the Annual meeting of the ATBC in Rwanda, 2024, 2) designing images for announcements for two upcoming Special Issues of Biotropica, and 3) designing the cover art for the forthcoming Biotropica Special Issue on fungi.
The ATBC and Biotropica received unique, original artworks that undoubtedly helped boosting participation in our activities such as the call for manuscripts for our Special Issues. This project also helped pave the way for our Association to value art and support early career scientists/artists. From Alejandra’s perspective, this was a unique opportunity to integrate art into her formal scientific training, build her portfolio as an artist, and gain valuable experience leading a workshop at an international scientific meeting.
Congratulations Alejandra!

Figure 1. Participants in workshop "Bridging Worlds: Using Illustration/Art as a common language for inclusive science in the tropics" at ATBC2024 in Rwanda (University of Minnesota, ATBC, Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation). Alejandra is pictured third from the left.

Figure 2. Cover artwork for an upcoming Special Issue of Biotropica focused on fungi in tropical ecosystems, by Alejandra Pérez-Enríquez.

Figure 3. Flyer for Fungi Special Issue of Biotropica, artwork by Alejandra Pérez-Enríquez.