Cambodian Journal of Natural History

The Cambodian Journal of Natural History, Cambodia’s first peer-reviewed scientific journal, was launched in 2008 by Fauna & Flora International and the Royal University of Phnom Penh as part of the University Capacity Building Project.

Aimed at helping Cambodian scientists to share their findings and improve their writing skills, it addresses the critical need for information on the conservation status and management requirements of Cambodian biodiversity.

The journal publishes original work by Cambodian and foreign scientists on all aspects of Cambodian natural history, including species behaviour, new species records, landscape ecology, management policies and the use of natural resources.

All papers are peer-reviewed by leading national and international scientists and published in English, with summaries in Khmer language.

More than half of the authors are Cambodians. Many of them have had little prior experience of writing scientific papers, but our editors and International Editorial Board members gently coach and guide novice authors to improve their analysis and presentation.

Young scientists are thus gaining valuable new skills and confidence to write up their work, while distinguished veterans can use the journal to ensure their findings reach a wide audience in Cambodia.

(Link to journal)