As part of ATBC’s mission to promote excellence in the next generation of tropical biologists, the ATBC offers Seed Research Grants to support graduate student research projects addressing tropical biology and conservation. The grant funds may be used for international/domestic travel, lodging, meals, and other research-related expenses. Publications using data or other information that were obtained with the support of an ATBC grant should include the following language in the acknowledgments section: “This research was supported by a Seed Research Grant from the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation."
Applicants should apply for either the Sodhi or the Seed Grant Awards. If an applicant applies to both the Sodhi and Seed grant they will only be considered for one (the most suitable funding stream for the application).
A full description of this year’s ATBC Seed Research Grant Guidelines can be found here.
The application deadline is April 22, 2025 (5 am GMT).
Seed Grant Recipients 2024
In 2024, the Seed Research Grant program funded 14 students from six countries:

Nagarathna Balakrishna
“An integrative approach to conserving the critically endangered Indri indri in Madagascar.” Ohio State University (USA)

Sachin Bhaskar
“Floral traits and flower-cheater dynamics in the southern Western Ghats” IISER TVM (India)

Marco Chiminazzo
“Assessing woody species strategies in tropical ecosystems: insights for future resilience across savannas and forests” Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) (Brazil)

Manuel Flores
“Investigating differences in edge effects between planted forest and pastureland on secondary forests in Brazil” Yale University (USA)

Sofía León
“Beneath the Waves: Sexual maturity of the Galapagos bullhead shark (Heterodontus quoyi)” Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)

Noor Laina Maireda
“Estimating Bornean Flat-headed Frog (Barbourula kalimantanensis) Potential Distribution Using Mechanistic Niche Modeling” Ohio University (USA)

Manan Mehta
“Following the fates of fruits and seeds in plant-frugivore interactions: assessing scale-dependent responses and their consequences.” Ashoka University (India)

Carlos Ordóñez-Parra
“To germinate or not germinate: germination traits and risk-spreading strategies meet in the Brazilian Cerrado” Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)

Sumashini Pagaldevatti
“Edge effects on seed-fungal interactions in the tropical evergreen forests of Western Ghats, India” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)

Joselice Pereira
“What is the potential of street trees as a refugia for the biodiversity of herbivorous insects? Taxonomic structure and composition and diversity of interactions in semiarid tropical cities” State University of Paraíba (Brazil)

Gabriela Quesada-Ávila
“Seed germination and seed microbial interactions of tropical tree species under elevated temperature.” University of South Florida (USA)

Veronarindra Ramananjato
“Cascading impacts of the collapse of mutualistic interactions in tropical forests” University of California Berkeley (USA)

Samantha Rosa
“Nectar, Pollinators, and Tropicalization: Investigating mangrove floral ecology during an active geographic range expansion” University of Maryland (USA)

“The roots of the matter: Linking root traits to rhizosphere microbes and root exudation to understand plant species coexistence in Western Ghats, India” Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (India)
Seed Grant Recipients 2023
In 2023, the Seed Research Grant program funded 17 students from eleven countries:

Shambadeb Basu
"Assessing threats and developing mitigation strategies towards small cat conservation in a human dominated landscape" University of Florida (USA)

Akash Dutta
"Hanumans of Bengal: Assessment of the time activity budget and conflict zones of free-ranging Hanuman Langurs (Semnopithecus entellus) in human altered urban and rural areas in context with their interaction with humans for future conservation strategies." University of Calcutta (India)

Thais Ferreira
"Ecology of the nematode community in the rain forest canopy" Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (Brazil)

Iago Ferreiro Arias
"Hunting-induced defaunation and the erosion of mutualistic ecological networks" Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC) (Spain)

Abhishek Gopal
"Inferring the evolutionary drivers of richness, assembly, and diversification patterns of woody plants in the Western Ghats, India" Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (India)

Ashtha Gurung
"Effect of habitat fragmentation and forest edge on plant- frugivore interaction" University of Hohenheim (Germany)

Sui Heon
"“What happens to dead animals in tropical forests?” - Investigating the role of scavengers and the carrion decomposition process in modified tropical forest landscapes of Sabah, Malaysia." Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Malaysia)

Kunjulakshmi K
"Assessing the conservation priority of freshwater shrimps (Family: Atyidae and Palaemonidae) from the Central Western Ghats, India" Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)

Hitesh Kumar
"Disentangling the Functional role of Vertebrate Scavengers in the Western Aravalli Hill Ranges of Haryana" Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (India)

Laura Lopresti
"Enemy release and missed mutualists: plant-insect interactions across the world’s tropics." James Cook University (Australia)

Emmanuel Opito
"The potential of removal of invasive Lantana camara and indigenous Acanthus pubescens from a protected area: promotion of clean energy, forest regeneration, and wildfire use of degraded areas in Kibale National Park, Uganda" Makerere University, Kampala (Uganda)

Sara Pedraza
"Diversification of plants in tropical montane ecosystems" University of California, Los Angeles (USA)

Gayathri Rajendiran
"Paleoecological Reconstruction of Central Western Ghats Grassland through Phytoliths" Manipal Centre for Natural Sciences (India)

Rhuthuparna S B
"Reflecting on enantiostylous flowers: Understanding the effect of pollinator availability, population size and morph ratio on reproductive fitness and inbreeding rate" Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal (India)

Anupama Sekhar
"When scents make sense: Investigating the diversity and evolution of floral volatiles in the medicinally significant ginger genus Hedychium" Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal (India)

Felipe Triana
"Evaluation of snake translocation programs in Costa Rica via the spatial ecology of the Central American rattlesnake Crotalus simus (Serpentes: Viperidae)" Universidad de Costa Rica (Costa Rica)

Nina Witteveen
"Brownsberg: Ecology of the past" the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED), at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) (The Netherlands)
Seed Grant Recipients 2022
In 2022, the Seed Research Grant program funded 11 students from nine countries:

Laura Bizzarri
"Are hummingbird flower mites the cheetahs of the micro-world? – Evaluating mites’ running speed, scent attraction and probability of passive dispersal in a plant-arthropod system" University of Connecticut (USA)

Christina Blebea
"Seed Dispersal by Ants in Different Tropical Forest Restoration Methodologies" University of California Santa Cruz (USA)

Caroline Dallstream
"Spatial scales and drivers of heterogeneity in tropical root traits" McGill University (Canada)

Carlos Mauricio Delgado Martínez
"Spatio-temporal variation of water availability for birds and mammals in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico" National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) (México)

Riley Fortier
"A longitudinal study to test for the acclimation of individual trees to multiple decades of climate change" University of Miami (USA)

Priyanka Hari Haran
"The effect of ecological restoration on Old World tropical mixed-species flocks" University of Florida (India)

Nicole Lussier
"Combatting deforestation: How do differing reforestation techniques facilitate the reassembly of ecosystem functions?" University of Tennesse, Knoxville (Ecuador)

João Vitor de Sousa Messeder
"Disentangling the role of phylogeny and frugivory interactions on the evolution of fruit functional traits" Pennsylvania State University (Brazil)

Megha Ojha
"Using trait-based approaches to understand the impact of non-native invasive plant species on Asian tropical savannas" Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune (India)

Shirley Jennifer Serrano Rojas
"Adapting to seasonal changes: a study of flexible breeding strategies in tropical frogs" Stanford University (Peru)

Paly Nsonwi Titenwi
"Tree diversity and forest dynamics in Mount Nlonako forest, Cameroon" University of Bamenda (Cameroon)
Seed Grant Recipients 2021
In 2021, the Seed Research Grant program funded 11 students from ten countries:

Aquetzalli Nayelli Rivera Villanueva
"Migration ecology and conservation of Leptonycteris yerbabuenae and its pollination services in Western Mexico"
Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional, Unidad Durango (Mexico)

Maevatiana Nokoloina Ratsimbazafindranahaka
"Mother-calf interactions in humpback whale: investigating nursing, swimming and acoustic behaviors"
University of Antananarivo and Paris-Saclay University (Madagascar & France)

Luisa Genes
"The role of dispersal and recruitment limitation in the recovery of secondary forests"
Stanford University (USA)

Anisha Padur Sankaranarayanan
"Diet of Asian elephants in Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India: with special reference to seed dispersal"
Periyar University (India)

Charles Noah Hackforth
"Characterising structure and functioning of Odonata communities in the Congolese peat swamp forest"
University College London (UK)

Anna Thonis
"Climate change & competition: Combining multi-species experimental & observational data to inform conservation planning"
Stony Brook University (USA)

Nurhidayah binti Azlan Hisham
"Biology and Ecology of the Freshwater Alien Invasive Fish Species in Timah-Tasoh Lake, Perlis"
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (Malaysia)

Elizabeth Castro-Salas
"Temporal dynamics of coronavirus shedding in a migratory population of Leptonycteris yerbabuenae"
Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional, Unidad Durango (Mexico)

Paula Andrea Cepeda Mahecha
"Demography and harvest estimation of five ornamental Andean palms in Colombia"
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Colombia)

Jason Teo Jia Hong
"Genetic structure and metapopulation dynamics of the Oriental-pied Hornbill Anthracoceros albirostris and Great Hornbill Buceros bicornis in Thailand"
King Mongkut’s University of Technology (Thailand)

Heloiza Lourenço Zirondi
"Seeking the burning question: a trait-based plant response to fire in a tropical Savanna"
São Paulo State University (Brazil)
Seed Grant Recipients 2020
In 2020, the inaugural year of the Seed Research Grant program, the ATBC funded 10 students from seven countries:

Angelica Torres
Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Amazonia, “Reciprocal stream-riparian arthropod fluxes along a vegetation structure gradient in the Colombian Amazon” (Colombia)

Hayden Davis
University of Washington, “A Genomic Approach to Estimating Biodiversity in Southeast Asian Gecko Lineages” (Malaysia)

Andrea Haberkern
University of British Columbia, “Trade-offs in fitness as a function of web architecture in tropical spiders: prey, predator risk, and investment in silk” (Ecuador)

Georgia Hernandez
University of Connecticut, “Plastic and adaptive responses of high and low elevation plant morphotypes to current and future warming temperatures” (Costa Rica)

Jacob Moutouama
University of Tennessee at Knoxville, “Herbivory as driver of center-periphery dynamics in an endemic plant species” (Benin)

Mayra Ninazunta
Florida International University, “To defend or reproduce? An overlooked dilemma of a highly variable trait: seed size” (Costa Rica)

Nicholas Russo
University of California, Los Angeles, “Exploring the Drivers of Seed Dispersal by Hornbills Across Spatial Scales in Cameroon” (Cameroon)

Sarah Sherburne
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thronburi, “Spatial ecology of the Javan mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) within a Degraded Forest Fragment” (Thailand)

James Watuwa
University of Tennessee at Knoxville, “Association between Stress Levels and Parasites in African Elephants in Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda” (Uganda)

Lino Zuanon
Federal University of Uberlândia, “Vulnerability of ants from the Brazilian Cerrado to global warming: The influence of time of activity, food preference and nesting habits” (Brazil)