10 Student Travel Awards for the 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth, Australia 9th – 14th July 2017


Call for Applications: Prestigious IFM Student Travel Awards

12th International Mammalogical Congress (IMC12) of the International Federation of Mammalogists (IFM), Perth, Western Australia from 9th – 14th July 2017.

Theme: “Advances in Mammalogy in a Changing World”

Deadline for Applications: 15 October 2016

In its quest to support zoological training and facilitate and even greater knowledge and understanding of the mammals of the world and their conservation, the International Federation of Mammalogists (IFM) invites applications for 10 Prestigious Travel Awards for outstanding postgraduate students from developing countries to attend the 12th International Mammalogical Congress (IMC12). The congress will be held in Perth, in Australia’s southwest from 9th to 14th July 2017 (see http://www.promaco.com.au/IMC12/).

Each award is to the value of AUD 800 (Australian Dollars) that will serve as partial funding for your attendance of IMC12. The successful candidates will be expected to give a presentation (poster or talk) on their research.

The IFM Travel Awards are intended to provide the recipients with an opportunity to present their research, learn from, and interact with fellow mammalogists from around the world at the IMC12 Congress. The IFM organizes the International Mammalogical Congresses every four years, which unite mammalogists from around the globe in of the most scenic locations on different continents, which are excellent platforms for networking and forging new collaborations.

An international IFM Student Award Committee adjudication panel will be appointed from the Officers and Board of Directors to evaluate applications. The decision of this panel will be final.

Applications will be assessed based on overall quality in respect of academic excellence, envisaged positive impacts of your research and merit, which includes a desire to continue a career in mammalogy, the potential for achieving excellence and qualities to act as a worthy ambassador for your country/ society of origin and mammalogy as a discipline.

Your application submission must include the following documentation in electronic format:

1. An extended abstract for the IMC12 Congress (not exceeding 1 000 words).
2. Motivation letter explaining how your attendance of the IMC12 will benefit your prospective career and also advance research and conservation of mammals, and zoology in general.3. Letter of recommendation from your supervisor/mentor.

4. Full Curriculum Vitae.
5. Written proof of additional financial support/awards that will enable you to attend IMC12. All applications must be submitted per e-mail to the Secretary of the IFM, Dr. Sarita Maree (smaree@zoology.up.ac.za) by 15 October 2016. *No incomplete or late submissions will be considered.The successful candidates will be notified by 30 November 2016 to allow adequate time for travel arrangements, registration and abstract submission to the ICZ12 conference website. All recipients will be responsible for organizing their own passport and visa requirements to travel to Australia.The recipients of the 10 Travel Awards will be announced at the General Assembly of the International Federation of Mammalogists (IFM) and presented with a Certificate and official letter of confirmation on the same occasion. Their names will also be listed on the IFM website (http://www.mammalogyinternational.org/)