The Early Career Scientist Committee was formed in 2013 at the 50th annual meeting of ATBC in San José, Costa Rica. This Committee was primarily created to encourage the involvement of students and early career scientists within the association.

Specifically, the goals of this Committee are to:

- Encourage a stronger involvement of student and early career scientists in tropical biology and conservation and facilitate their participation at the ATBC Conferences (both before and after graduation).

- Organize and promote activities that meet the interests/needs of students and early career scientists in tropical biology and conservation.

- Enable and support communication interaction, and enhanced networking within the student/early career group and between this group and all members of ATBC.

The Early Career Scientist Committee communicates with members through our Facebook page.





Funding and Fellowship Resources:


Job opportunities:


Job/graduate school application assistance: 

For direct assistance and feedback on graduate school and job applications, please email Natalia or Jen, Co-chairs of the SECSI committee. If you are requesting feedback on a job application, please include your application materials, a link to the job posting, and any specific questions when sending your email.


Individual development plans:


Writing tips: