ChidumayaProfessor E. N. Chidumayo is an ecologist with an extremely wide expertise in African ecology, both covering all kinds of animal ecology aspects and also plant ecology and ecosystem management and conservation. He probably is most known worldwide for his work on Miombo and other dry woodlands, on which he wrote two books, the last of which was published in 2010 (The Dry Forests and Woodlands of Africa, co-authored by D.J. Gumbo).

Professor E. N. Chidumayo has been working at the national Zambian university for most of his life, but is widely recognized in other countries in east Africa as well. He has advised the government and a wide array of international organizations in a number of development and conservation related issues.

ATBC is extremely honoured with Professor Chidumayo being an honorary fellow. (Photo ©

Curriculum Vitae