Introducing ATBC Councilor 2014-2016: Jennifer Powers

We are pleased to introduce one of the four new ATBC Councilors for 2014-2016, Dr Jennifer Powers.

Jennifer PowersJennifer Powers is broadly trained in ecosystems ecology, biogeochemistry, and plant ecology, and has worked in tropical forests in Central and South America for over 19 years.  The long-term goal of her research program is to understand how biophysical factors and human activities shape biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of tropical forests.  Her current projects include a long-term study of how changes in land use such as deforestation and forest regeneration affect the balance of carbon on the land and in the atmosphere in Costa Rica, and a study of the effects of woody vines on ecosystem processes and community dynamics in Panama.  In addition, she co-founded and co-directs the non-profit organization Investigadores del Área de Conservación Guanacaste.

Jennifer Powers
Associate Professor
Departments of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior and Plant Biology
University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA