We are seeking a highly motivated postgraduate student to join our international team studying speciation in plants and insects along tropical altitudinal gradients. We are based at the Laboratory for Tropical Ecology at the Institute of Entomology, Biology Centre Academy of Sciences, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. The successful applicant will have strong background in:
- Entomology
- Botany
- Bioinformatics
- Molecular ecology
- Population genetics
- And/or biostatistics
He/she will be supervised by Simon Segar and expected to develop a research programme on speciation in Ficus, their pollinating wasps and symbiotic microbes of the wasps along a continuously forested altitudinal gradient in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The project will involve field work in PNG and the use of next generation sequencing to study the population genetics of plant/insect/microbe networks. The successful candidate will be expected to work closely with our collaborators at the University of Minnesota (USA) and the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment at the University of Western Sydney (Australia).
The position is fully funded (tuition, research and living expenses) for EU applicants only (but candidates from all countries are eligible). The duration of the position is four years and a completed MSc degree is required as is the equivalent of a 1st or 2.1 undergraduate degree in biology, ecology or a related field. The successful candidate will have to conduct field work in a tropical forest in often challenging conditions. They will be able to work independently and have experience with the collection and analysis of population genetic data.
For further details of the project please see: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ot87ffj4keilszs/PhD%20Project%20Description.docx?dl=0
To apply please send a CV, contact details for three references, and cover letter stating qualifications, previous work and motivation to Simon Segar (simon.t.segar@gmail.com). The deadline for applications is April 20th 2015, with a preferred start date of June 1st.