​ATBC Asia Pacific Chapter Meeting 2017


In 2017, the annual ATBC Asia-Pacific Chapter Meeting will be held in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China, near the northern limits of the Southeast Asian tropics, from March 25th to 28th. Although primarily targeted at researchers and conservation practitioners working in tropical Asia, we also welcome participants with tropical interests from outside the region.

The meeting will be hosted by the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which boasts world-class research facilities set in a stunning 1100-ha garden. There will also be opportunities to visit different forest types and agroecosystems in Xishuangbanna. XTBG is connected by road and air south through Laos to the rest of SE Asia, and north through Yunnan, a center of biological and cultural diversity, to the rest of China. Myanmar, India, and the rest of Asia are easily reached by air from Kunming, an hour’s flight north of Xishuangbanna.

The meeting will focus on the past, present, and future of biodiversity in the Asian tropics, with four major themes: patterns and processes of biodiversity; biogeography and evolution of Southeast Asian biodiversity; addressing the threats to Southeast Asian biodiversity; and sustainable production and use of natural resources. There will also be variety of workshops, training courses, and skills sessions before, after, and during the meeting.

January 15th 2017 is the deadline for abstract submission and earlybird registration. Please visit the website below for details.
