ATBC Asia-Pacific Chapter 2019 elections

Elections for the AP-Chapter officers will be held in Sri Lanka, during the Town Hall Meeting, on the 11th September 2019 at noon, at the MAS Athena, 1st floor meeting room. IF YOU ARE IN SRI LANKA, PLEASE COME VOTE!!!

(i) Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be the Chief Executive Officer of The Chapter. The Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Chapter members and of the Chapter Committee; shall make and sign bonds, mortgages, contracts, and other instruments in the name and on behalf of The Chapter, except when the Chapter Committee by resolution instructs the same to be done by some other officer or agent; and shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office or properly required of them by the Chapter Committee.

(ii) Secretary. The Secretary shall give or cause to be given all notices and ballots required to be given to members or committee members; shall attend meetings of members and of the Chapter Committee and record the proceedings of each such meeting, or in case of inability to attend such meetings, shall be represented by a committee member or other member appointed by the presiding officer. The Secretary shall maintain an up to date list of The Chapter members.

(iii) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have responsibility for funds and securities of The Chapter, except as otherwise provided by the Council; shall deposit all monies and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of The Chapter in the Association depositories; shall cause full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements to be kept; shall render to the Association Treasurer, Chairperson of the Chapter and the Chapter Committee, whenever they may require it, an accounting of all transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of The Chapter; and shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office or properly required by the Chapter Committee.


Chair Nomination

Dr CHAN Pui Lok, Bosco (Head of Kadoorie Conservation China)

Bosco Chan is a specialist in ecology and nature conservation of the region. He currently heads the Kadoorie Conservation China Department at Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Hong Kong. Bosco manages many conservation projects throughout southern China and Cambodia, and does research in Conservation Biology, Taxonomy and Ecology. His current project includes 'Conservation of the Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus)', 'Conservation of China's otters', 'and rapid biodiversity assessments of various sites in the region. Bosco graduated with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) from University of London, England and then gained a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from the University of Hong Kong, focusing on Freshwater Ecology and Sustainability. Bosc has been a member of ATBC for many years and has been the Chapter representative for Hong Kong since 2016. Bosco has excellent leadership skills and large network of colleagues and friends in Asia. Bosco’s vitality and vigour, as well as his demonstrated leadership skills, make him an ideal Chair for the ATBC Asia Pacific Chapter.

Secretary Nomination

Dr Enoka Kudavidanage (Senior Lecturer, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka)

Enoka is a founding member of Tropical Ecosystem Research Network (TERN), a registered non-profit organisation, committed to biodiversity conservation and environmental protection in Sri Lanka.  She has years of research and teaching experience in Ecology, Biodiversity Conservation, Protected Area Management, Human-Wildlife conflict, Entomolgy, Toxicology, Environmental Impact Assessment and related fields. Over the years, she has worked as an educator, environmental journalist and scientist in community based conservation projects. TERN is a product of her global networking and long-term involvement in bridging the gap between scientists, practitioners and the public. Enoka graduated from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, with a BSc honours degree in Zoology and an MSc in Environmental Sciences. She went on to complete her PhD in Conservation Biology from the National University of Singapore, Singapore. Enoka is the Conference Chair for the forthcoming ATBC AP Chapter meeting in Sri Lanka, as well as being the ATBC Country Representative for Sri Lanka. Enoka has done an excellent job organising a meeting at a time when the political situation in her home country has been challenging and she has developed a superb programme which is both diverse and exciting. Enoka’s commitment to ATBC is clearly demonstrated through her willingness to organise the chapter meeting and its successful delivery shows just how organised she is. Enoka will make an excellent Secretary and will bring her contacts and colleagues from South Asia connected to the AP Chapter.

Treasurer Nomination

Dr Lindsay Porter (Treasurer)

Lindsay Porter graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a PhD in dolphin ecology and conservation. As one of the first scientists to study Hong Kong's iconic pink dolphins, Lindsay has dedicated her career to understanding this, and other, marine mammal species in Asia with conservation principles at the core of her research. Lindsay is a Senior Research Scientist for SMRU Asia Pacific, The University of St. Andrews, and director of research in the region. She is based in Malaysia but works throughout Asia on species as diverse as the riverine Irrawaddy dolphin and the oceanic blue whale. She is a member of the IUCN Cetacean Specialist Group and chair of the Small Cetacean Scientifuc Committee of the International Whaling Commission. Lindsay has served as Treasurer for ATBC in election interim and has an in depth knowledge of ATBC AP finance processes.