2021 ATBC Awards: Eligibility and Requirements

Baccardi Award for Best Oral Presentation by an Early Career Conservation Scientist  

Award description (pop-up window?) The Luis F. Bacardi Advances in Tropical Conservation Award was established in 2005 to foster high-quality conservation science in the tropics. It is awarded to the early-career conservation scientist who gives the best presentation at the annual meeting of the ATBC. Support for this award was generously provided to the ATBC by an endowment from the Lubee Bat Conservancy, an international non-profit organization based in Gainesville, Florida. This organization was founded in 1989 by the late Luis F. Bacardi, and is dedicated to protecting biological diversity through the conservation of fruit- and nectar-feeding bats.

Eligibility and Award details:

Eligibility is limited to ATBC members who have received their Ph.D. no more than five years before the meeting date. The winner receives a certificate from ATBC and a $300 award provided by the Lubee Bat Conservancy. In addition to the honorarium, the winner of the award will have his/her abstract and photo published in BIOTROPICA as well as his/her bio published at Tropicalbio.org.


Gentry award for best student oral or poster presentation

Award description (pop-up window?) Alwyn Gentry’s legacy to tropical biology was not limited to the phenomenal contributions he made to the study of diversity and conservation of tropical plants. He was a caring and supportive mentor to students from all over the Americas. In remembrance and recognition of the contributions of this singular scientist, colleague, mentor, and friend, the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation presents the Alwyn Gentry Awards for the best student papers each year at its Annual Meeting.

Eligibility and Award details:

Two awards are given each year, one for the best student oral presentation, and one for the best student poster. Individuals who have been students within the previous 12 months are eligible, including those who have completed their Ph.D. within that period. The number of years of eligibility is not limited. The work must have been done by the student as the senior author on the paper. Two or more students may present a joint paper and would then split the award. Award criteria are the following:

  • ATBC membership
  • Originality of study
  • Contribution of the study to science
  • Breadth of the study
  • Quality of the research design and execution of the data analysis
  • Quality of the presentation, including audio-visual materials.

The award recipients will each receive a $100 prize, plus a free one-year subscription to Biotropica and $100 gift certificate in books from the University of Chicago Press. In addition, each of the winners will have their photograph and abstract published in BIOTROPICA, as well as his/her bio published in www.tropicalbiology.orgThe Committee reserves the right to make no award if it deems that no deserving paper has been presented or if fewer than five eligible papers are presented.


New Phytologist Poster Prize for Student Researchers

The New Phytologist Trust is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of plant science. It owns and produces the international journal New Phytologist and is proud to support student researchers by awarding the “New Phytologist Poster Prize in Plant Biology” at the Annual Meeting.


For questions please contact the Chair of the Awards Committee, Sabrina Russo (srusso2@unl.edu).