The main goal of the ATBC Climate Change thematic section is to strengthen research and networking activities on climate change and related issues across the Association. This group facilitates climate change related research activities, including development of synthesis papers, coordination of common/complimentary research activities across the tropics, and submission of multi-country research proposals to relevant funding agencies. Other goals include facilitating ATBC initiatives that support climate change adaptation and mitigation (e.g. contribution to carbon offset scheme for conference attendance, etc.), ensuring the widespread communication of the “voice” of the tropical research community to the general public (e.g. writing opinion pieces in the popular press, engagement in the IPCC reports, providing representation or input to national government or international bodies dealing with climate change).

Proposed activities

– Regular group meetings

– Review paper/synthesis article on climate change effects on tropical montane forest and alpine ecosystems

– Attendance or representation by ATBC colleagues at upcoming COP meetings

– Publish a historic virtual special issue that gathers together past papers in Biotropica on climate change in tropics

– Organise workshops and/or a panel discussion at ATBC 2021, leading up to a special issue in Biotropica on climate change in the tropics

– In 2020-2021, publish a Biotropica special issue on climate change in the tropics

– Prepare climate change related webinars for ATBC 2021

– Produce a group map or table indicating members’ research interests


*To join the group, create or login to your ATBC account, go to Update Profile and check Climate Change of Thematic Section Selection, or send an email to the Chairs. 


Biotropica Virtual Issue on climate change impacts on tropical ecosystems

ATBC 2020 Webinar Series in Tropical Ecology and Conservation

"Climate Change: History, Environment, and Society"